Quick1: JS + Vue.js pause before


I had a large list that a user could reorder by dragging and dropping. All work beautifully.

Except persisting the changes to the database. I did not want the an API call for every drop action or a button that the user clicked that said, “Save list”.


Its a Vue.js project and the drag and drop had two events called “start” and “end”. These would call the corresponding methods below.

“endDrag” starts a timer that will run the supplied method in 1.5 seconds after the dragging has stopped. If the user starts “dragging” again the timer is cancelled

methods: {
    endDrag(): void {
      this.timer = setTimeout(this.distpatchOrderedList, 1500);
      this.drag = false;
    startDrag(): void {
      this.drag = true;
   distpatchOrderedList(): void {
     // Do some magic