Fire and Forget

Yesterday was spent diagnosing what was reported as CORS issue in a Node service used for logging that was being called by front end apps.

CORS turned out to be a red herring, it ended up being the wrong format for a new database connection string, less than gracefully handling errors (it would just die and return 500), but what concerned me was the frontend request (sending a packet to a remote logging service) was not necessary to the successful sequence of editing and saving an object (plus it was sent prior to the event being successful) and would halt following requests.

The frontend fix was a “fire and forget” call to send a logging packet to the Node service, while not ideal if the service was down it would not effect frontend users experience.

const logEvent = (str) => {
  const send = async (str) => {
    // send the request, it might throw an error
    throw new Error(`thrown....${str}`)

  send(str).catch(() => {
    // If you don't catch the error you can/will end up with a non handled exception error.
    console.log('It did not break, log error with service like Azure App Insights')

  logEvent("do nothing")