Quick1: JS, Remove duplicates from an array

There are many ways to do this by looping over the array, then using something like .some() or .findIndex().

How about this as an elegant and simple solution?

[...new Map(users.map((item) => [item.id, item])).values()]

The use case is a collection of aggregated data that could have multiple copies of a user. I needed to remove duplicates:

const users = [
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "6789", name: "spock"},
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "rtyu", name: "bones"},

console.log([...new Map(users.map((item) => [item.id, item])).values()])

Copy and paste the code below into your browser console pane to see it work

const users = [
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "6789", name: "spock"},
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "1234", name: "kirk"},
  {id: "rtyu", name: "bones"},

[...new Map(users.map((item) => [item.id, item])).values()]

Quick1: JS + Vue.js pause before


I had a large list that a user could reorder by dragging and dropping. All work beautifully.

Except persisting the changes to the database. I did not want the an API call for every drop action or a button that the user clicked that said, “Save list”.


Its a Vue.js project and the drag and drop had two events called “start” and “end”. These would call the corresponding methods below.

“endDrag” starts a timer that will run the supplied method in 1.5 seconds after the dragging has stopped. If the user starts “dragging” again the timer is cancelled

methods: {
    endDrag(): void {
      this.timer = setTimeout(this.distpatchOrderedList, 1500);
      this.drag = false;
    startDrag(): void {
      this.drag = true;
   distpatchOrderedList(): void {
     // Do some magic

Quick1: Typescript

I’ve been using Typescript for 12 months and every now and then I get blocked. I used to do a fair bit of ‘typescript ignore’ in my code just to keep things moving and depend on my tests to throw up mistakes.

This I think ha caught me out a few times in different circumstances.

interface Options {
  id: string;
  name: string;
const options: Options = {id: "qwerty", name: "andy pandy"}

Object(options).forEach(key => {
  localOptions[key] = options[key]

The above would not compile and give the following message (note if I set the line to be ignored the code still worked)

Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type because expression of type ‘string’ can’t be used to index type ‘xxxx’. No index signature with a parameter of type ‘string’ was found on type ‘xxxx’

So how to comply with Typescript?

I found two options. One went about extending the object constructor and adding overloads the second is type-casting. Extending the object constructor is probably more “correct” but type-casting worked and when you read the code it simpler to understand (IMHO)

interface Options {
  id: string;
  name: string;
const options: Options = {id: "qwerty", name: "andy pandy"}

Object(options).forEach(key => {
  localOptions[key as keyof Options] = options[key as keyof Options]

Does it work and does it address the issue? Yes it does.