
Category: coding

  • Mastering New Software with Ease: The Three “Software Whisperer” Principles

    Have you ever wondered how some people effortlessly grasp new software applications with minimal training? I was intrigued by this ability and decided to explore the secrets behind their success. Through my journey, I discovered three powerful principles that transformed my approach to learning new software. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience applying the three “Software Whisperer” principles that have made me a more adept learner in the digital landscape.

    Embracing the Intuitive Explorer:
    The first principle I adopted was the fusion of intuition and curiosity as a powerful learning tool. I began trusting my instincts and letting my inquisitiveness guide me as I delved into new applications. Embracing various approaches and adapting my mindset based on my discoveries proved highly effective. With each encounter, my intuition strengthened, enabling me to navigate new software environments effortlessly.

    Uncovering the Hidden Threads:
    Identifying similarities with applications I’d used before became my focus. I familiarized myself with common user interface patterns and leveraged transferable skills from past experiences, which significantly accelerated my learning. Embracing trial and error allowed me to learn from mistakes and refine my approach. By unveiling the hidden threads connecting interface patterns, transferable skills, and trial and error experiences, I quickly mastered new software.

    Becoming an Analytical Visionary:
    Applying analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and visual thinking also played a crucial role in my software learning journey. I broke down complex tasks into manageable steps and analyzed the underlying logic of the software to comprehend its workings. Creating mental images or visual representations of information within the application aided in grasping complex concepts and systems. The combination of these three aspects empowered me to conquer challenges and navigate new software with ease.

    By applying the three “Software Whisperer” principles—Embracing the Intuitive Explorer, Uncovering the Hidden Threads, and Becoming an Analytical Visionary—I have significantly improved my ability to understand and use new software applications with little to no prior training. While patience and persistence are essential when venturing into unfamiliar digital terrain, the rewards are well worth it. I now conquer software challenges effortlessly, akin to a true Software Whisperer. I encourage you to try these principles for yourself and witness the difference they can make in your software learning journey. Trust me, they have been a game-changer for me, and I believe they can do the same for you too!

    Time to come clean, I used ChatGPT to create this! I copied the original text (see link below) pasted into ChatGPT and experimented with different prompts.

    Reference: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unlock-your-inner-software-whisperer-3-simple-vishvakanth-alexander%3FtrackingId=u0nGp05rTpawtiS5CF9NAQ%253D%253D/?trackingId=u0nGp05rTpawtiS5CF9NAQ%3D%3D

    With a “Ranting Donald Trump” prompt:

    Then, we’ve got the Hidden Threads. You won’t believe what I uncovered. I looked at other applications, and I saw similarities, big similarities! It’s like they were all connected, like a beautiful web, a tremendous web!

  • Google email address

    Gmail ignores interior periods when matching against email accounts. They all route to the same email address, i.e., foobar@ and foo.bar@ all go to the account f.o.oba.r@.

    This article is very interesting. It lists assumptions developers have about email.


  • Another cURL: This time validating TLS versions

    I had to demonstrate that our hosting of a single page app did not accept TLS version 1.1,

    This is the proof

    curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" https://koala-moon.com --insecure --tls-max 1.1
    Returns: 0000
    curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" https://koala-moon.com --insecure --tls-max 1.2
    Returns: 200

    Easy eh?

  • API development: Lazy tip # 25


    Use cURL and pipe to json_pp “| json_pp

    So for the longest time when working on API’s my process would look like this:

    • Write code in Visual Studio Code
    • Change to Postman and click send (try again as Nodemon has not finished restarting)
    • Check result
    • Change back to Visual Studio Code
    • Repeat

    But now its

    • Write code in Visual Studio Code
    • In the Visual Studio Code terminal press ‘up arrow’ then ‘return’
    • Check result
    • Repeat

    This has speeded up my development and reduced frustration.

    In the terminal I make use of cURL and append the command with | json_pp

    For example

    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:61100/my-service/report/progress' \
    --header 'Authorization: <token> \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"ids":["5d765d10a13c116f3ce44d04","62bc1433eb87da610a436a48","62bc7a1147f2e0f3854aa268","62bc2dd747f2e04f724a9e26"]}' | json_pp

    Top tip:

    Use postman on the first iteration, then use it to export cURL command

  • Fire and Forget

    Yesterday was spent diagnosing what was reported as CORS issue in a Node service used for logging that was being called by front end apps.

    CORS turned out to be a red herring, it ended up being the wrong format for a new database connection string, less than gracefully handling errors (it would just die and return 500), but what concerned me was the frontend request (sending a packet to a remote logging service) was not necessary to the successful sequence of editing and saving an object (plus it was sent prior to the event being successful) and would halt following requests.

    The frontend fix was a “fire and forget” call to send a logging packet to the Node service, while not ideal if the service was down it would not effect frontend users experience.

    const logEvent = (str) => {
      const send = async (str) => {
        // send the request, it might throw an error
        throw new Error(`thrown....${str}`)
      send(str).catch(() => {
        // If you don't catch the error you can/will end up with a non handled exception error.
        console.log('It did not break, log error with service like Azure App Insights')
      logEvent("do nothing")
  • NPM update

    So, for a long time now our projects CI/CD pipelines have an audit step and will prevent merging if there and high risk issues. Nothing complicated just

    npm audit

    Then a developer would need to sit down and follow their own approach to updating NPM packages. Mine was to install all the patch versions – test, minor versions and test. Then I’d take a stab at any major versions after reading any release notes.

    See: https://docs.npmjs.com/about-semantic-versioning

    It works, but it is a pain.

    Then I found NPM GUI


    After installing it globally, I run the following command


    This opens a browser tab and will first show all the global packages and versions. Navigate to your directory that has the package.json file, a nice table of installed node packages is displayed with required, current, compatible and latest versions. Clicking the versions will install them.

    I still follow the same work flow of patches, minor and major versions but it takes me far less time and cognitive load to update projects.

    It might not be perfect, but the rest of my team have started using this and its helped overcome the dread of package maintenance.

  • More regEx in VSCode

    I had a list of a few thousand words either 3, 4 or 5 letters, i needed to turn the imported list into an array.

    const listFourLetterWords = [

    Using VSCodes finder with regEx it took moments to turn the 1000’s of words into

    const listFourLetterWords = [


    Find: \b[a-zA-Z]{4}\b

    Replace: “$&”,

  • Typescript and Mongoose (MongoDb) Discriminators

    Many thanks to Manuel Maldonado and his excellent article https://hackernoon.com/how-to-link-mongoose-and-typescript-for-a-single-source-of-truth-94o3uqc. This post carries on from where he left off.

    Discriminators – the missing step.

    The current project at time of writing makes use of Mongoose’s schema inheritance mechanism. That enables you to have multiple models with overlapping schemas on top of the same underlying MongoDB collection. In other words a single collection that can have multiple models. Mostly this is a cost saving exercise. For more detail see.



    How to add types to discriminators

    Begin by reading Manuel’s article first!

    You will see how to set up models, schemas, statics and methods that are strongly typed and play well with your IDE IntelliSense.

    You are using Typescript?

    You project is using Typescript and you have installed the following package?

    npm i @types/mongoose


    Discriminators and Typescript

    Here is the finished Base Model:

    import { model, Schema } from "mongoose";
    const collection = "GeneralPurpose";
    const baseOptions = {
      discriminatorKey: "__type",
      timestamps: true,
    export const Base = model("Base", new Schema({}, baseOptions));

    Here is the Base Model being used as the inherited model:

    import { Document, Model, Types, Schema } from "mongoose";
    import { Base } from "./Base.model";
    export const MODEL_REF = "JournalBlock";
    export interface JournalBlock {
      // _id?: string; // Note, _id is inherited from Document type
      blockTitle: string;
      icon: string;
      createdAt: string;
      updatedAt: string;
      parentId: string;
    export interface JournalBlockDocument extends JournalBlock, Document {
      minify(): unknown;
    export interface JournalBlockModel extends Model<JournalBlockDocument> {}
    export const JournalBlockSchema: Schema = new Schema({
      blockTitle: { type: String, required: [true, "A title is required"] },
      icon: { type: String, required: [true, "A URL for the icon is required"]},
      introText: {
        type: String,
        required: [true, "A introduction text required"],
    // Just to prove that hooks are still functioning as expected
    JournalBlockSchema.pre("save", function () {
       console.log("PRE SAVE", this);
     }).post("delete", function () {
       console.log("post delete", this);
    // Add a method. In this case change the returned object
    JournalBlockSchema.methods.minify = async function (
      this: JournalBlockDocument
    ) {
      const response: JournalBlock & { _id: string } = {
        _id: this._id,
        icon: this.icon,
        introText: this.introText,
        createdAt: this.createdAt,
        updatedAt: this.updatedAt,
        parentId: this.parentId,
      return response;
    // This is the magic where we connect Typescript to the Mongoose inherited base model (discriminator)
    export const JournalBlockModel = Base.discriminator<
    >(MODEL_REF, JournalBlockSchema);


    Import the model into for code as normal. Your IDE will predict the returned Documents from queries like “.findById” including any additional methods or statics

  • JS Sorting with .localCompare

    I’ve been using Javascript for 2 years now and can not remember ever having to sort collections. 95% of what I am doing is backend services work and I try to off load as much data manipulation to the databases, but this week I have had 7 instances of having to sort data.

    This caught me out:

    For a given collection:

    const collection = [ {name: "Dave"}, {name: "Donna"}, {name: "dave"}, {name: "Derek"}, {name: "Dave"},];

    Sorted with:

      (a,b) => { 
        if (a.name < b.name) return -1; 
        if (a.name > b.name) return 1; 
        return 0;

    Returns this:

    [ { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'Derek' },  { name: 'Donna' },  { name: 'dave' } ]

    Which is not what I need.

    .localCompare to the rescue

      (a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)

    Returns this:

    [ { name: 'dave' },  { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'Derek' },  { name: 'Donna' } ] 

    But there is more

    .localCompare method has additional options. For the same collection above, this

      (a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name, 'en', { sensitivity: 'base' })

    Returns this:

    [ { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'Dave' },  { name: 'dave' },  { name: 'Derek' },  { name: 'Donna' } ] 

    Be aware that full implementation of .localCompare in Node.js is dependant on the version you are running.

  • JSTypescript Debounce

    Debounce simply controls how many times a function to be executed over time.

    For example, when typing into a search box, you probably don’t want to be calling an external API every time the user presses a key, it is more likely you would wait until they have paused or have finished entering text. Then after second or 2 fetch the data.

    If you run the example below f() is called multiple times

    let i = 0;
    const f = () => {
      console.log(`foo ${++i}`);
    f(); // foo 1
    f(); // foo 2
    f(); // foo 3
    f(); // foo 4
    f(); // fo0 5
    console.log(i); // 5

    Now wrapping the function inside a debounce method only the last call is completed

    const debounce = (
      fnc: (...params: any[]) => unknown,
      n: number,
      immediately: boolean = false
    ) => {
      let timer: number | undefined = undefined;
      return function (this: any, ...args: any[]) {
        if (timer === undefined && immediately) {
          fnc.apply(this, args);
        timer = setTimeout(() => fnc.apply(this, args), n);
        return timer;
    let i = 0;
    const f = debounce(() => console.log(`foo ${++i}`), 2000);
    f(); // foo 1
    console.log(i) // 0 

    To recap; If a user keeps clicking on a button it is only after there has been a pause will the last click be carried out.

    Throttling, is very similar to debounce but this time it is the FIRST click that is actioned and subsequent clicks are ignored until a period of time has passed.