
Tag: tips

  • API development: Lazy tip # 25


    Use cURL and pipe to json_pp “| json_pp

    So for the longest time when working on API’s my process would look like this:

    • Write code in Visual Studio Code
    • Change to Postman and click send (try again as Nodemon has not finished restarting)
    • Check result
    • Change back to Visual Studio Code
    • Repeat

    But now its

    • Write code in Visual Studio Code
    • In the Visual Studio Code terminal press ‘up arrow’ then ‘return’
    • Check result
    • Repeat

    This has speeded up my development and reduced frustration.

    In the terminal I make use of cURL and append the command with | json_pp

    For example

    curl --location --request POST 'localhost:61100/my-service/report/progress' \
    --header 'Authorization: <token> \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{"ids":["5d765d10a13c116f3ce44d04","62bc1433eb87da610a436a48","62bc7a1147f2e0f3854aa268","62bc2dd747f2e04f724a9e26"]}' | json_pp

    Top tip:

    Use postman on the first iteration, then use it to export cURL command