Replacing ObjectId with a string in JSON. Using RegEx

Problem: I have a data dump of a MongoDb query in a JSON file. I need to replace the ObjectID(“12345677abc”) with “12345677abc”.

Using Visual Studio Code’s find and replace



Replace with: “$1”

Turns this

"_id" : ObjectId("5e3b1890e032d225a091d43f"),
"userId" : ObjectId("65ed1c2c-922c-4c82-b5bc-7324f69eea10"),

To this

"_id" : "5e3b1890e032d225a091d43f",
"userId" : "65ed1c2c-922c-4c82-b5bc-7324f69eea10",



REGEX Examples with explanations

A string 24 characters in length and only with hexadecimal letters and numbers

Example use: In MongoDb the unique id’s (ObjectId)

The string must be 24 characters long. ^ Starts of string or start of line, $ end of string or line; both dependent on the “multi-line mode”


Hexadecimal uses only the letters “a to f” and the number “0 to 9”



Okay in the previous post we had found the “find” tool and realised we can do so much more with it using regular expressions (regEx).

To recap a regEx is

“a sequence of symbols and characters expressing a string or pattern to be searched for within a longer piece of text.”

\d = a character 0 to 9

\w = any character a to Z and 0 to 9

\s =  whitespace


\d\d\d will (using the find tool in your text editor) will highlight groups of 3 numbers in a string

\w\w\w\w\w will highlight groups of 5 characters

Notice how \w\w\w included numbers and letters

\s\s will highlight double spaces

Lets look for words that have only 4 characters.

A 4 letter word can be described as,

“a space followed by any 4 characters, followed by a space”


Which can be rewritten as


But that will also include numbers. To ignore numbers


Not quite there, if you are playing along you will notice that we are highlighting 4 letter words and the space before and after. What we need is to set boundaries.


\b is a boundary, there are a few but for now lets stay with ‘spaces’. So with that you can find all four letter words