strpos() not working?

PHP strpos() not working as expected? It could be a  “non-strict” comparison problem.

When using strpos() to determine whether a substring exists within a string the  results can be misleading: Remember FALSE == 0?

Consider the following:

$quote = 'Dave rocks';
if (strpos($quote, 'Dave')) {
    echo 'Dave is awesome.';
} else {
    echo 'Dave is not awesome.';

strpos() Returns position is 0 ( zero ) that is evaluated as FALSE so, “Dave is not awesome”.

Much better. In this case adding the strict comparison === ( 3 equals ) to the “if” statement asks if strpos() returns a number and  is not strictly FALSE. So, “Dave is awesome”

$quote = 'Dave rocks';
if (strpos($quote, 'Dave') !== FALSE) {
    echo 'Dave is awesome.';
} else {
    echo 'Dave is not awesome.';

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