
Quick Steps for a Scrum Team to Improve the Process

Make your stand-ups short and concise, focus on value added

Copied this article word for word by Egor Savochkin, this is a better written article than i could have done. It hits all the high points from my own notes especially with developers in different time zones


Scrum is a framework that gives teams the freedom to build their own processes. Unfortunately, teams often create complex, bloated processes that eat up all their time and leave little room for value-added or improvement work.

How often do your daily stand-ups stretch past 30 minutes? Last year, did you find time to work on process or technical improvements? As an Engineering Manager (EM), do you still find time to code or do code reviews? As a Product Manager (PM), do you always know what the team is up to?

If any of those answers are “no”, it may mean that management and coordination are using up most of your time. Here are some simple steps to streamline your Scrum processes and make them lighter.

Step 1. Walk the board.
The Scrum Guide says the Daily Scrum’s purpose is to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog [SG2020]. Specific techniques aren’t mandated. But many teams default to the “three questions” format: What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Are there any blockers? This approach is simple, but often inefficient for larger teams.

Here’s how the Daily Scrum (or stand-up) often goes.

  • 00:00 The team joins the Zoom call.
  • 00:01 “Let’s wait a couple of minutes for everyone to join.”
  • 00:03 Dev 1: “Okay, I’ll start. Yesterday, I worked on ticket XYZ-123. I implemented the backend logic for the new feature, added unit tests, and started working on integration tests. I ran into an issue with the API returning unexpected results, so I had to debug that for about an hour. Oh, and I attended two meetings. One with the designer about the new UX mockups. Another with a developer from another team to clarify requirements for the API integration. Btw, I am done with XYZ-123. So let me close it. Oh, I need to fill in the mandatory fields. Wait a bit… (Pause). Okay, done. Today, I plan to continue working on XYZ-456. I plan to complete the integration tests and attend the retrospective later this afternoon. I’ll also be looking into a bug that QA raised yesterday evening…”
  • 00:08 Dev 2: “Thanks. Yesterday, I mostly worked on the frontend for ticket ABC-123. I got the UI components aligned with the design specs and added validation for the input fields. I also reviewed a pull request from Developer 3 — good work, by the way! I spent some time investigating a flaky test in our CI pipeline, but I couldn’t figure out the root cause yet. Today, I plan to continue with ABC-123, wrap up the CI investigation, and attend the sprint planning session…”
  • 00:10 Dev 3: “Alright, my turn. Yesterday, I worked on ticket DEF-789. It was a bit tricky because there were some edge cases with the database queries, but I managed to optimise them. Now, I am stuck with the APIs. XXX, you worked on something similar recently — do you know how to fix this? (They are discussing the problem for 5 minutes). I also helped Developer 2 with a review for ticket XYZ-123 and attended the same design meeting. Oh, I spent about an hour updating our deployment docs. The old version was outdated. Today, I’ll start working on the new logging feature and address some of the comments on my open pull requests…”
  • 00:17 Dev 4: “Oops, looks like we’re running out of time. I’ll keep it quick. Yesterday, I…”

Well… a lot of details. The team is well out of time, but they still did not discuss all the tickets in progress. It is very difficult to digest all this information and have a clear action on how to push the work forward.

Sharing detailed updates is understandable — we’re proud of our work, and stopping can be hard. But without firm facilitation, these sessions balloon to 30 minutes or more, even for small teams.

Instead, skip the individual updates. Walk the board. Focus on the work items — not the war stories.

First, encourage team members to update ticket statuses before the stand-up to save time. If you have completed a ticket, move it to the Done column. You do not even need to discuss them during the stand-up. If it’s blocked, mark it with a flag (more on this later).

During the stand-up, walk the board backwards, starting from the most completed tickets to the least worked on. Why? Tickets closest to completion represent the most investment. Finishing them frees up mental capacity and resources for other tasks. Even if you run out of time, you will still touch the most important tickets.

For each ticket, the least the team needs to know is whether there are any blockers or issues. If there are, the team can stay on the call after the daily to address them or schedule a follow-up. Often, five minutes of team brainstorming can resolve issues that might otherwise cause hours of delay.

The level of detail can vary based on team size. For smaller teams of 4–5 members, it’s manageable to touch on every ticket and discuss any issues. For larger teams, the focus should shift to reviewing only blocked tickets or taking longer than expected.

Let the developers drive the stand-up. You do not need a PM or EM to do this. We have a rotating support schedule in the team. And the developer responsible for the support also runs the stand-up. This makes the team more self-sufficient and offloads some burden from the EM.

Here is an example of a Walk-the-Board stand-up.

  • 00:00 The team joins the Zoom call.
  • 00:00 Facilitator: “Good morning, everyone! Let’s walk the board. Remember to keep updates concise and focus on blockers or anything that needs team input. XXX hasn’t joined yet, but let’s begin — I hope he’ll join soon.”
  • 00:01 Facilitator: “I see that someone moved Ticket XYZ-123 to the Done column. Great!” 00:01 Facilitator: “Let’s start with the In Progress column.”
  • 00:02 Facilitator: “Ticket XYZ-456” Developer 1: “I’m making good progress. No issues. No blockers.”
  • 00:03 Facilitator: “Ticket DEF-789” Developer 3: “I’ve started this bug, but I’m stuck on the API integration. XXX, you worked on something similar recently — can we discuss it after the call?” Developer 1: “Sure, I’ll help you after the stand-up.”
  • 00:04 Facilitator: “Ticket ABC-123” Developer 2: “I’m making good progress. No issues. No blockers.”
  • 00:05 Facilitator: “Ticket GHI-101: Bug fix (flagged as blocked).” Dev 4: “This is still blocked because I’m waiting for the infrastructure team to answer my question. I pinged them yesterday, and I’ll follow up again this morning.” Facilitator: “If you don’t hear back by noon, let’s escalate it.”
  • 00:05 Facilitator: “To Do Column: Ticket JKL-202. This ticket is next up. Any concerns before someone picks it up?” Dev 2: “None from me. I’ll take this after finishing ABC-123.” Facilitator: “Sounds good.”
  • 00:06 Wrap-Up Facilitator: “That’s everything on the board. Let’s stay on for a few minutes to discuss the API issue. Anything else?” Team: Silence. Facilitator: “Alright, let’s get to work!”

Effective stand-ups need discipline. While team members may feel proud of their work or want to share more details, they should focus on concise, relevant updates. With practice, the team can strike the right balance and keep stand-ups efficient.

Step 2. Fight the blockers.
Remember when the highway is least efficient? That’s right — during a traffic jam. The throughput is almost zero, and the highway barely delivers any value. Even early in the morning, when a few cars are whistling down the road, the throughput might be higher (see picture below).

The graph shows the throughput (flow) of a highway during a typical American morning. The throughput increases steadily from 6:50 a.m., peaking at approximately 7:15 a.m., after which it sharply declines as a traffic jam forms. The minimum throughput is observed between 7:20 and 7:40 a.m.
Pic 1. The graph shows the throughput (flow) of a highway during a typical American morning. The throughput increases steadily from 6:50 a.m., peaking at approximately 7:15 a.m., after which it sharply declines as a traffic jam forms. The minimum throughput is observed between 7:20 and 7:40 a.m. (source)

One of the main focuses of traffic control officers is to improve the flow. Any jam should be fixed as quickly as possible; it makes no sense to keep them.

Every ticket that is not actively worked on is like a car in a traffic jam.

Make it a priority for the whole team to resolve blockers. First, ensure it is crystal clear when a ticket is blocked. In JIRA, the recommended way to do this is by marking it with a flag.

Creating a special “Blocked” column on the board is an option, but it’s not the best choice. Using a flag is simpler, more flexible, and visually clearer. It lets you mark tickets as blocked without needing to change their status, no matter where they are — backlog, to-do, or in progress.

The flag indicates which tickets are not being worked on. If you click on the ticket, you can see the comment with the reason why someone has blocked it.
Pic 2. The flag indicates which tickets are not being worked on. If you click on the ticket, you can see the comment with the reason why someone has blocked it.
The flag means that no one can work on the ticket due to various reasons, such as:

  • Waiting for a response from another team.
  • Blocked by a more important ticket.
  • Blocked by the monolith rollout.
  • A team member is ill.
  • Blocked by the deployment freeze.
  • Providing comments on blocked tickets is crucial. The reason for blocking should be clear.

The team’s board should reflect the real-time status of work items. Encourage team members to keep the status of the ticket updated. If you cannot work on a ticket any more, block it. If the ticket gets unblocked, remove the flag. Having such an agreement saves time on status updates and allows the whole team to see problems and act on them early.

During dailies, challenge the blockers and think of creative ways to unblock a ticket.

Watch out for the hidden blockers. If a ticket is taking too long to complete, it’s a good candidate for discussion in the daily stand-up or a quick brainstorming session. In JIRA, you can enable the “days in column” option and see the tickets taking longer than expected.

Track the statistics of blockers and discuss them during retrospectives. This can bring useful ideas for future improvements.

Step 3. Focus on value versus activities.
We’re all here for one reason: to deliver value to our customers and stakeholders. In Scrum, that value is defined at the Product Backlog Item (PBI) level. Every sprint, we select a few PBIs to be part of the Sprint Backlog, along with an actionable plan for delivering the Increment [ScrumGuide2020].

But often, Scrum teams mix value-added tickets with activity tickets. Often, teams leave small PBIs as is but break down bigger ones into implementation tasks. Add on top of this time-boxed tickets such as support or research activities. Even with a small team of 3–4 developers, this becomes an overcomplicated mess soon. And when the team grows? Well, it turns into a management nightmare where everyone spends most of their time trying to figure out what is going on.

So, what’s the fix? Track only value-added tickets. Avoid activity tickets as much as possible. It makes the scope clearer, more transparent, and gives you metrics that actually mean something.

First, break down value-added tickets as much as possible by acceptance criteria. If a ticket takes several days to complete, don’t overcomplicate it by breaking it into even smaller activity tasks.

Second, ditch the time-boxed tickets. You shouldn’t have a PBI that doesn’t fit the sprint, right? Unfortunately, this happens all the time, and teams end up cloning the same ticket over and over. This messes with your stats and makes it hard to track progress. The solution again? Break the ticket down by acceptance criteria.

If an epic or story doesn’t fit in one sprint, the team should split it. Time-boxed tickets (on the left) don’t give you clear progress. Instead, split the PBI by acceptance criteria (like the example on the right). This makes everything much clearer.
Pic 3. If an epic or story doesn’t fit in one sprint, the team should split it. Time-boxed tickets (on the left) don’t give you clear progress. Instead, split the PBI by acceptance criteria (like the example on the right). This makes everything much clearer.
Avoid tickets like “Support activities for week ##.” These tickets don’t add much value and clutter the board. Suppose you have five incidents or defects from support that week. It’s better to list each one as a separate ticket rather than as comments under a vague support activity.

Finally, steer clear of Increment-related activities like merging, building, integration testing, and deployments. Automate such tasks by making them part of the CI/CD pipeline. This way you will not need to create separate “activity” tickets.

A good definition of done (DoD) should assume that any change is ready for production. This aligns well with common sense and makes it easier for everyone to understand the status.

There are still cases when you might need activity tickets. For example, you might need a ticket for an end-to-end test spanning several teams. But this should be a rare exception.

Let’s look at an example. A team has been working for a month. Now, we need to review the completed tickets to prepare for a stakeholder meeting. The team developed a new service to enable partners to make payments online via a third-party payment service provider (PSP). They also worked on a few technical debt tickets and fixed two bugs from support.

We can list the results with focus on activities.

  • Task: Support week #27
  • Task: Support week #28
  • Task: Support week #29
  • Task: Support week #30
  • Task: Implement BE endpoint
  • Task: Integrate with PSP
  • Task: PSP payment page
  • Task: PSP payment testing
  • Task: Make the endpoint production ready [timeboxed] [part 1]
  • Task: Make the endpoint production ready [timeboxed] [part 2]
  • Task: Make the endpoint production ready [timeboxed] [part 3]
  • Bug: Partner ## cannot open page x

The list of tickets tells us what the team worked on, but it doesn’t highlight the value added.

We can see the team spent four weeks on support activities. The second bug isn’t listed, so it was likely added as a comment on a support activity ticket.

The team worked on the backend endpoint, the PSP page, the PSP integration, and testing. But it’s unclear what capabilities were implemented or if the team shipped them to the customer.

The team also spent three weeks making the endpoint production-ready. Again, it’s unclear what specific features the team implemented.

We can list the results with focus on value added.

  • Bug: Partner ## cannot open page x
  • Bug: Partner ## unable to proceed with the payment error
  • Story: Partners pay single invoice via credit cards in the Netherlands
  • Story: Partners pay single invoice via WeChat in China
  • Task: Payment results monitoring internal dashboard
  • Task: Log payment errors

Customer service can see the team has fixed two reported bugs. Stakeholders know that partners can now pay single invoices via credit cards in the Netherlands and WeChat in China. Operations can see that the monitoring dashboard and logs are now ready for use.

The work is the same but the representation in the latter case is much clearer.

Improving your Scrum process doesn’t have to be complicated. Small, simple changes can make a big difference. Try walking the board during standups, focusing on clearing blockers, and keeping tickets centered on value. Scrum works best when it’s clear and efficient — not overloaded with complexity. Stay focused on delivering value, work together as a team, and keep improving step by step. Start small, adapt as you go, and see the positive results for yourself.